Do you think bombing cities/civilians during wartime is a fair/justifiable act? Why or why not?
In today's world, where nuclear weapons are flaunted and even threatened by countries. With over 9 countries known for their weapons, what happens if these are used? Thousands of civilians will be killed for one, and many people believe this is inhumane and ludicrous. I think that, even though many would go against it, that civilian casualties are a part of war and can't be stopped. With this said, I think that it isn't right under some conditions. Places who provoke an attack on other countries (i.e. Germany & Japan) are perfect places where civilian casualties would be a tool to help end the war against tyrannical dictators and conniving governments. The atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, for example, were perfectly justified. On the other hand, attacks against a neutral country (i.e. Belgium, France, United States), are completely unfair and against any laws ever created. Attacks on the World Trade Center, and also Pearl Harbor, were huge hits to the United States and was never, in any circumstances, justified.
The argument between bombing civilians is very clear, but hard to dispute. It has to be done in an individual case, and I don't think any one person can actually answer it.
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