When you think of the civil rights movement, you go instantly to Martin Luther King, Jr. He is the leader of the moment as everyone would point out, but who was the true catalyst to the movement? His name was Jackie Robinson.
Jackie Robinson is well known for being the first African-American baseball player, but there is so much more to him. He started off with such ridicule and hatred in the minors that any other person would quit and give up, but not him. He would do nothing to accusations, comments, even physical things such as spitting and hitting. As he entered the majors, he became one of the most hated people out there, with boos and yells as soon as he entered the field. What people didn't realize though, was that he actually had amazing skills. He wasn't just a guy playing for the Dodgers because they wanted to try an integrated team, he actually knew what he was doing and was good at it.
Where the civil rights comes up is that he himself was a non-violent protester throughout his years of baseball. He would keep calm under pressure and many people rioting against him. He did nothing when a rival team member sliced his leg open with their cleats. He kept his cool the whole time, and that's what makes him such an important person. By the end of his career, people praised him. They loved his abilities and cherished everything about him, with no prejudice towards his skin color. He revolutionized how people view African-Americans in the media, he changed how integrated everything can be, he revolutionized the civil rights movement.
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